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2000feng2年前 (2022-08-26)短篇故事239




11. 天地玄黄,宇宙洪荒。日月盈昃,辰宿列张。寒来暑往,秋收冬藏。闰余成岁,律吕调阳。云腾致雨,露结为霜。金生丽水,玉出昆冈。剑号巨阙,珠称夜光。果珍李柰,菜重芥姜。海咸河淡,鳞潜羽翔。龙师火帝,鸟官人皇。始制文字,乃服衣裳。推位让国,有虞陶唐。吊民伐罪,周发殷汤。坐朝问道,垂拱平章。爱育黎首,臣伏戎羌。遐迩一体,率宾归王。鸣凤在竹,白驹食场。化被草木,赖及万方。盖此身发,四大五常。恭惟鞠养,岂敢毁伤。女慕贞洁,男效才良。知过必改,得能莫忘。罔谈彼短,靡恃己长。信使可覆,器欲难量。墨悲丝染,诗赞羔羊。景行维贤,克念作圣。德建名立,形端表正。空谷传声,虚堂习听。祸因恶积,福缘善庆。尺璧非宝,寸阴是竞。资父事君,曰严与敬。孝当竭力,忠则尽命。临深履薄,夙兴温凊。似兰斯馨,如松之盛。川流不息,渊澄取映。容止若思,言辞安定。笃初诚美,慎终宜令。荣业所基,籍甚无竟。学优登仕,摄职从政。存以甘棠,去而益咏。乐殊贵贱,礼别尊卑。上和下睦,夫唱妇随。外受傅训,入奉母仪。诸姑伯叔,犹子比儿。孔怀兄弟,同气连枝。交友投分,切磨箴规。仁慈隐恻,造次弗离。节义廉退,颠沛匪亏。性静情逸,心动神疲。守真志满,逐物意移。坚持雅操,好爵自縻。都邑华夏,东西二京。背邙面洛,浮渭据泾。宫殿盘郁,楼观飞惊。图写禽兽,画彩仙灵。丙舍旁启,甲帐对楹。肆筵设席,鼓瑟吹笙。升阶纳陛,弁转疑星。右通广内,左达承明。既集坟典,亦聚群英。杜稿钟隶,漆书壁经。府罗将相,路侠槐卿。户封八县,家给千兵。高冠陪辇,驱毂振缨。世禄侈富,车驾肥轻。策功茂实,勒碑刻铭。磻溪伊尹,佐时阿衡。奄宅曲阜,微旦孰营。桓公匡合,济弱扶倾。绮回汉惠,说感武丁。俊义密勿,多士实宁。晋楚更霸,赵魏困横。假途灭虢,践土会盟。何遵约法,韩弊烦刑。起翦颇牧,用军最精。宣威沙漠,驰誉丹青。九州禹迹,百郡秦并。岳宗泰岱,禅主云亭。雁门紫塞,鸡田赤城。昆池碣石,钜野洞庭。旷远绵邈,岩岫杳冥。治本于农,务兹稼穑。俶载南亩,我艺黍稷。税熟贡新,劝赏黜陟。孟轲敦素,史鱼秉直。庶几中庸,劳谦谨敕。聆音察理,鉴貌辨色。贻厥嘉猷,勉其祗植。省躬讥诫,宠增抗极。殆辱近耻,林皋幸即。两疏见机,解组谁逼。索居闲处,沉默寂寥。求古寻论,散虑逍遥。欣奏累遣,戚谢欢招。渠荷的历,园莽抽条。枇杷晚翠,梧桐蚤凋。陈根委翳,落叶飘摇。游鹍独运,凌摩绛霄。耽读玩市,寓目囊箱。易輶攸畏,属耳垣墙。具膳餐饭,适口充肠。饱饫烹宰,饥厌糟糠。亲戚故旧,老少异粮。妾御绩纺,侍巾帷房。纨扇圆洁,银烛炜煌。昼眠夕寐,蓝笋象床。弦歌酒宴,接杯举觞。矫手顿足,悦豫且康。嫡后嗣续,祭祀烝尝。稽颡再拜,悚惧恐惶。笺牒简要,顾答审详。骸垢想浴,执热愿凉。驴骡犊特,骇跃超骧。诛斩贼盗,捕获叛亡。布射僚丸,嵇琴阮啸。恬笔伦纸,钧巧任钓。释纷利俗,并皆佳妙。毛施淑姿,工颦妍笑。年矢每催,曦晖朗曜。璇玑悬斡,晦魄环照。指薪修祜,永绥吉劭。矩步引领,俯仰廊庙。束带矜庄,徘徊瞻眺。孤陋寡闻,愚蒙等诮。谓语助者,焉哉乎也。. Continuous efforts, and constantly to dream, the lost the courage, to eat the bitter sweet and sour, able to withstand the cold winter, can also embrace the spring, thats the life. 2. No matter how indulge your environment, all want to own request, keep the temperament of self-discipline. Maybe it wouldnt change your situation, but over time, it feedback must be let you surprise. People to own request, is never had a bad. Complain on the environment while go with the flow, a bad man, the most boring. 3. All the efforts, not to let others think youre great, but in order to let oneself heart respect yourself, life is running, is not in the outbreak of the moment, depends on the way insist, longitudinal have hundreds of a reason to give up, you also want to find a reason to insist, can inspire you, warm you, touch you, is not a motivational sayings chicken soup, but the side than you good people than you also try hard! High ideals! 4. Hope the biggest, best, do the worst, the best state of mind, remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten, alter what is changeable, and accept as fact, the sun always new, every day is a good day. 5. Think too much, the more trouble. In life, not a pain will always be with you, there is no need to walk not to come out, trapped in the vortex of the self pain just a traveler, come to hone your will, test your confidence, stand up, step on the difficulties. 6. Stupid people always regret, yesterday to pray for tomorrow, its a pity that fewer efforts of today. 7. No matter when you start, it is important to dont stop after starting; No matter when you end, it is important to dont regret after end! Do not go to work, not to sow, again fat fertile soil also dont grow crops, not to strive, not to create, again beautiful youth also can not out of the fruit. 8. Life is for an cant back to the head. Remember: in the face, not necessarily the most sad; Lonely, not necessarily not happy; Can get, not necessarily for a long time. Treasures, diligently life, calm without regrets, beyond themselves, and wonderful life together! 9. Impermanence of life, the most important thing is not your location, but the direction you are. You cant decide the length of your life, but you can control its width; You cant control the weather, but you can change the mood; You cant change the appearance, but you can show smile; You cant control others, but you can master yourself. You cant predict tomorrow, but you can use today; You cant everything smooth, but you can try my best to do everything. 10. What the world has never been a savior, you are weak, all difficulties are strong, you strong, all hinder the weak!


11. People live a life time, cherish their own, to make you happy, pursue for their own, also can make oneself happier. Frustration error misfortune and suffering, is growing long, is also a mature ripening agent. We dont want there to be painful, but we also must not be afraid of pain. Conquer yourself, is the only thing that have the ability to conquer all things. 12. Dont waste your life, in a place you would be sorry for it. 13. From now on, dont indulge fantasy, not much ado about nothing, live your life, do a person close to the happiness. 14. Worship others blindly, you might as well and is proud to appreciate yourself. Dont look to others, oneself is a beautiful beautiful scenery. 15. Eat other people cant eat bitter, endure other people cant stand it, pay more than others, just can enjoy more than others. 16. Bravely meet adversity, even if the initial dream, cant also open the door to another dream. 17. One can see things from other peoples ideas, spiritual activities can understand others, never having to worry about their future. 18. Would rather confident, also dont blindly pessimistic. Because confidence is a kind of power, even if your confidence some blind, also not the big picture, you can adjust mentality, in practice, find their own place. If the blind inferiority, you will lose everything. 19. The dream is destined lonely journey, the road without questioning and ridicule, but so what, even if was black and blue all over also live beautiful. 20. The future is good, but maybe its just like today, do not necessarily have everything we want. Every today, is we want all the world, dont leave all hope his capital contract tomorrow, live good each today, tomorrow will be more valuable.















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